Simple process with full support

We handle logistics so you can focus on the fun

Safety & Hygiene

Our toys are specially taken care of, checked, and supervised on hygiene grounds by our expert and only then delivered to your child.

Receive Toys

Toy Check

Toy Cleanup

Toy Package

Types of Play

Read on to discover how our toy rental platform works, explore the benefits of renting toys and find answers to common inquiries.

Soliitary Play

Fostering independence, creativity, and concentration while encouraging problem-solving skills.

Parallel Play

Engage children in individual activities side by side demonstrating social awareness while maintaining their focus on their play.

Peer Play

Cooperative play between children involves direct social engagement, collaboration, and communication skills with peers.

Parent-Child Play

Nurturing bonding, communication, and mutual enjoyment while promoting the child’s cognitive, and emotional development.

Family Play

Encouraging a sense of togetherness, and bonding while creating lasting memories through joyful interactions and mutual engagement.